Hi friends,
I hope this week finds you doing well.
Im praying Im on the mend finally.
Yesterday I went to my Dr appt and was there for over 2 hours.
The sad part is that I did take up a lot of the Drs time.
Not much of it was spent waiting.
She ended up researching my history to figure out when I have done this each year,
what antibiotics were used
how many times theyve put me on steroids.
I didnt like this Nurse practitioner the first time I saw her
but Im allowed to change my mind.
I liked that she didnt just prescribe the typical meds
then shuttle me quickly out the door.
She noticed a spot on my arm that I have been nursing for over 8 months.
(It looked like a wart to me)
I figured if they didnt biopsy it then
I would spend the next two weeks fretting about the procedure.
to get my allergies/ asthma under control
(I felt like I was buying everything in the pharmacy!)
I should be feeling much better in 5 days or less
I was told to get plenty of rest.
I can do that.
Still feeling like Ive been beaten with a bat.
Im sure it doesnt help to come home from the wedding to find
Lil Gs closet and room carpet flooded
thankfully it was the A/c drain clogged
I steam cleaned her carpets Monday
we ran the dehumidifier but it wasnt getting it dried quickly enough
I was able to load her closet yesterday.
Used that time to put the rest of the long sleeves in donate or storage piles.
Put more toys in the closet......
Does anyone have any ideas about the process of unloading toys because of the process
but dumping
within reach
just cuz?
She does a perfect job cleaning it when told.
Its just super annoying.
especially when you want to put a pr of shoes or socks on
and cant find them-
and end up taking 15 mins on a wedding day
15 minutes you dont have
only to give up and put Sunday socks on
instead of the special ruffled wedding socks.
Right now Im putting baskets of toys in her closet
under the guise of "rotating the toys".
that way there arent as many.
Im just so tired......
My oldest helped with cooking Dinner last night thankfully
if itd been up to me Id have just crawled into bed without eating,
just one foot in front of the other.
Under His wings,