I have read three books this week. Two out of the three were just so good that I read them in one setting! I will start with those two and end with my least favorite.
" What your Son isnt telling you" By Michael Ross & Susie Shellenberger was a great book for parents of boys from 8 to well, over twenty. My oldest is twenty and I found some of the topics still applicable. I enjoyed that they reminded parents that teenage boys are NOT teenage girls and there is a biological reason its hard for them to discuss their feelings. They had copies of letters and e-mails they have received to show us exactly what is going on in our young mens minds and hearts. There were also ideas to start opening up the lines of communiation. I appreciate their willingness to tackle tough subjects. Some of the topics werent applicable to our situation since we have homeschooled but I appreciated it all since my boys are in the middle of church, 4H and have jobs in the real world. I know that we arent immune to those things. If youd like a "heads up" and some practical advice I highly reccomend this book!
The second book I read this week was "Homeschooling for the rest of us" by Sonya Haskins. This book was such an enjoyable read! If you know someone that is considering homeschooling or like us have been in the trenches for years this is a great choice! My family has homeschooled for 20 plus years and we are nearing the end of the journey- E will start dual enrolling this summer and be in 11th grade next year. I am not sure if we will homeschool little G once we get her home but this book even touches lightly on that topic. She is to be praised for giving Grace to all of us that are struggling with perfection. When I am out and about I do my best to represent the homeschool community in a good light. Both that doesnt allow others to see the inner struggles that we have. Since we are home all day pretty much every day our house gets pretty cluttered and even dirty in a hurry! If we know company is coming I do my best to make sure that no one sees our reality! She gives so many helpful hints, schedule ideas, and even has comments from other homeschool moms in the margins that really get the point across that we arent alone in our struggles. I cant wait to share this book with my sister- she is considering homeschooling their twin 5th graders next year now that they are stateside and in a state that ranks in the bottom of the heap when the school systems are evaluated.......
The last book I read was "The rewards of Simplicity" by Pam and Chuck D Pierce. I was so excited to see the topic of this book and couldnt wait to get my review copy. The book is filled with great scripture references and deep insight into simplicity. I was surprised to see that they didnt just deal with simplicity as a mindset that contradicts the "American dream" we are all being sold. But they also discuss a simplicity reguarding our faith. This book was written by a husband and wife team and both share on the topic. They discuss fasting both food and technology. I have already learned these principles and couldnt survive this fast paced life without my quiet time. I want to let you know that this was a good book. It re-emphasized many of the values I cling to in my life. I was sad that I just didnt enjoy the writing style of the wife. I kept wanting to skim over all the wordiness and "get to the point". Which is so very funny if you knew me you would know that I have to tell the WHOLE story and all of the details that I think "make the story." Sometimes my husband makes hand motions... you know the ones "get to the point". Drives me crazy! So I laugh at this. But that was my personal opinion and I have set that aside to not detract from the good message that was conveyed. Back in Jaunrary I wrote out the quote :
"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."
-William Morris
I have been striving to go through each room in the house and clean every nook and cranny and get rid of things we arent using. Plus trying to not start new projects until the ones I have started are complete. This book touched on this and I found myself yearning for more.......
Well, off to knit and take some pics of my completed projects to list on my Ravelry page!!!
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