Friday, April 8, 2011

Gestation and Birthing

The happenings as of late are quite beautiful.
A birthing of something new.
I am very intrigued that it started 9 months after we met our daughter and is continuing to blossom and grow.
take today for instance;
E, older brother, was playing with Grace and had to put her down and go work with his school work. She tightly wrapped her arms around his neck and wouldnt let go. He pried her off and went to his room. She was standing a few feet from me and I look over to see tears rolling down her face and hear tiny sniffles. I say "ooooh Grace is crying" and draw her into my arms to comfort her. He hears and comes into the room and takes her from me to restore her heart. Plays a few mins then tells her he must go work on his school work. Can you believe she starts to cry again. Big tears running down those sweet little Cheeks. I rocked her and whispered loving words in her ear. I am so thankful God continues to work in the bonding relationships in our home.

Yesterday in my grief I layed down to nap with her since I havent been sleeping well at night.(I havent done this since we were in Ecuador. Napped with her. I woke up before she did. As she started to wake and stir that sweet little hand searched in the bed to see if I was still there. After I stroked her face and hair for awhile she sat up and the first word out of her mouth was My oldest daughters name.
I started weeping again.

I remain,
Uner His wings,


  1. It sounds like the bonding is complete - what a beautiful family you have, made even stronger by that sweet little girl.

  2. My dear friend, gestation is full of awe and wonder and that is as it should be because the birthing process with all its stages and phases is painful and overwhelming -- I would go so far as to say it is an "out-of-body" experience -- an experience for which we have no control. And yet, God does.

    God is doing something much larger and even much more beautiful than giving you and your family Grace -- it seems that perhaps Grace is opening the door for more grace to enter in and for God to do a work necessary in your soul for something even larger than Grace.

    My dear friend, I see God on the verge of birthing something in you and it excites me. I cannot wait to attend the birth of this new "thing"!


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