Yeah , I know..... you were starting to wonder if
I fell off the face of the earth.
When my life gets too full I start crossing things off my list
it seems like the blog just kept getting crossed off each day.
If you are a blogger, you will understand.
what takes you a few minutes to read
can sometimes take a few hours for me to put together
by the time Ive uploaded pics,typed out what I wanted to say,
deleted it all, Typed it out again, spell checked.You get the drift.
Ive been catching a few extra minutes every couple of days to read my favorite bloggers
sometimes leaving a comment.Sometimes not.
This month has held some emotional days.
There have been several families traveling to Ecuador this month
it has brought up so many memories and feelings.
Lil G has been doing awesome "firsts".
I saw a friend at a restaurant the other day that had never met Lil G.
Lil G decided she wanted to show off, she singed "nice to meet you." HOLY COW!
If youve adopted you know what it feels like to see photos of your little one.
I cried like ten times the day I saw this picture for the first time.
Seeing her at this age doesnt compute.
My brain has a hard time processing that this is my daughter.
This is only the right side of the room.
She lost one of her contacts Friday night at the Church musical watching big brother play his bass guitar, so glasses it will be until sometime in January or February- her appointment is the 6th of Jan and they have to be special made. (insert huge frown here)
brother is the blue blur on the left.
I guess my hand isnt still enough for photos without a flash.
The season wouldnt be complete without watching the nutcracker
yes, she sat still and watched the. entire. thing. Well I have to take that back,
she did sign dance and get down to twirl around some. A.DOR.A.BLE! It was NY city ballet.
She also sat through the Polar Express- twice now........
We have come a looooong way baby.
AND the lady that put Lil Gs baby book together, Bonus!
Of course Lil G HAD to be in a "mood". Ugh.
She has a list of circumstances that can/will throw her "off".
No telling which one or combination it was......
Papa did a great job at wrangling her.yeah, you read right. A baby book.
I didnt even look at it really until about 3:30 in the afternoon.
I looked at two pages before I set it aside.
Of course I sobbed like a baby.
My parents were in town all weekend for my grandfathers birthday/ Christmas
so we dropped by and my mother and I were able to
laugh and enjoy it together.
They had saved the outfit the nurses at the hospital bought to send her to the orphanage in
a photo with nurses that had red rimmed eyes.
They had taken care of her, a 4.5 lb baby girl for a week.
We also have a set of contacts in a box, and four pair of outgrown glasses.
Her first pr are so tiny, and heavy.
lots of pictures. Four and a half years......
They have some beautiful pics of us together the day we met her.
Im so relieved. Ours werent all that great.
I am going to be spending some time on Google translate reading the pages the tias wrote for us. Each one of her Tias wrote a goodbye letter/prayer.
I cannot wait to see what they had to say.
I cannot wait to see what they had to say.
This is more than I could ever have hoped for.
I thanked the orphanage Director for making sure such care was taken
the attention to details.
Lil G cannot communicate much,
there are many things We are having to learn on this journey
I told Melinda that God has been faithful to shower us with grace upon grace.
This is icing on the cake.
I pray this finds you and yours
enjoying family and friends
making beautiful memories.
Under His wings,
I read...then time runs out so I'll type quick :) Very cute photos of your girl even if she doesn't like to pose. I love your paintings. Prayers for a special Christmas with your family. I've appreciated your support of our family along our journey. Blessings, Jennifer