After hopeful news on the adoption front yesterday.
Starting a new round of antibiotics and yes, having to start the Steriod pack I am feeling much more like myself today!
I was glad that I was feeling better when my friend asked if 9:30 this morning would work for our tour here. My daughter is almost complete with her Elementary Education and Special Education Degree studies. This is her last semester, one class this summer and then student teaching next semester to graduate in the Fall! My first homeschooled student graduating from college in less than a year! The thrill I feel to type this.
I am not sure if little G will be able to attend this school. Its in our neighboring county and when I spoke with the principal last year she said no other students attend from other counties and if we chose this we would have to get special permission. I homeschooled our three bio children. I loved being a homeschool mother. But I also want whats best for little G. If I cant offer her that at home I will find the best place we can find for her education.
I know this deserves a post of its own but I am in a hurry and just have to let you know our good news. Its not what weve been waiting on but its hopefull. Its the best thing weve heard since last Fall. Thank you and please keep praying for mercy.
This is copied in a note in response to the letter sent out to the 3 governing bodies in Ecuador last week on our little ones behalf.
"With reference to your letter of February 16th, 2010, we are making inquiries regarding this matter - yet again - with the _________ (name omitted to protect privacy), as there is now a new person assigned to the __________who can make definitive decisions regarding this case. As you know, last year we consulted with the ________and unfortunately we did not get any response about this case specifically."
She goes on to say: "Just as it bothers you, it also bothers us greatly, and we are hoping that a decision can be made in this child's case in the next few days. If this can happen, we will do out part to facilitate all the paperwork that pertains to our office."
Praising God in the midst of it all! He deserves our praise no matter what!
Under His wings,
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Its the Last Thursday of the month!
If youve been following my adoption story you will know that the Ecuador Assignment committee meets on the last Thursday of the month.
SO I am in a prayerful mode today.
It is neat that our church is having prayer times on Thursdays during Lent. I am hoping that I am well enough to get out in the cold this evening and join my church family. I know it is personal prayer time but I love my Church home.
I wasnt able to go teach in the DJJ camp this week because of this Asthma/ cold. Ive been to the Dr twice with it and Im hoping the perscriptions we had filled yesterday will do the trick to get me well. I was relieved that she gave me permission to just stay home yesterday. I am just not myself and the weather has snapped cold again. I did go out and pick a few daffodils that were budding so I could enjoy them inside and not have them get damaged by the cold.
I did contact an agency another blogger mentioned about sponsoring children from Haiti. That door was closed for us. Even tho we are paperwork ready we knew if things moved forward with our adoption it would be difficult.( we would have to work out arrangements for this child while we were out of country for 6-8 weeks etc) But we arent God....... so we checked into it. I was so thankful for the conversation that I had with the director. It was confirmation. He said what we thought. The added bonus was when He also told me."Dont quit advocating for G. Act as if you gave birth to her. She is your child. She needs someone to advocate for her like a mother would." I hung up so encouraged. To have Him confirm what we thought about this situation and know that door was closed just reminded me that I would KNOW that God had closed this door with G. And to add such sweet sentiment was a HUGE bonus! As we are out and about we need to be reminded that sometimes things arent what they appear. Even tho we knew our gut feelings about this situation we still filled out the application and asked. I am not God. But I feel like I was rewarded by once again being WILLING. By once again just putting myself out there to see what God wanted. I was so blessed! This man was so very very busy yet he took the time to really encourage me and feel the pain weve gone through. He was willing to stop, put aside HIS agenda and seek Gods agenda. You just never know why God has you in a certain place. Be still. Be quiet and willing to just say yes. I am finding that there are blessings in store where we least expect it! Be encouraged as you run the race dear friends!!!
I will let you know if Plan A works out or if our adoption will have to move to Plan B. I am thankful for a plan B mind you.......
Under His wings,
SO I am in a prayerful mode today.
It is neat that our church is having prayer times on Thursdays during Lent. I am hoping that I am well enough to get out in the cold this evening and join my church family. I know it is personal prayer time but I love my Church home.
I wasnt able to go teach in the DJJ camp this week because of this Asthma/ cold. Ive been to the Dr twice with it and Im hoping the perscriptions we had filled yesterday will do the trick to get me well. I was relieved that she gave me permission to just stay home yesterday. I am just not myself and the weather has snapped cold again. I did go out and pick a few daffodils that were budding so I could enjoy them inside and not have them get damaged by the cold.
I did contact an agency another blogger mentioned about sponsoring children from Haiti. That door was closed for us. Even tho we are paperwork ready we knew if things moved forward with our adoption it would be difficult.( we would have to work out arrangements for this child while we were out of country for 6-8 weeks etc) But we arent God....... so we checked into it. I was so thankful for the conversation that I had with the director. It was confirmation. He said what we thought. The added bonus was when He also told me."Dont quit advocating for G. Act as if you gave birth to her. She is your child. She needs someone to advocate for her like a mother would." I hung up so encouraged. To have Him confirm what we thought about this situation and know that door was closed just reminded me that I would KNOW that God had closed this door with G. And to add such sweet sentiment was a HUGE bonus! As we are out and about we need to be reminded that sometimes things arent what they appear. Even tho we knew our gut feelings about this situation we still filled out the application and asked. I am not God. But I feel like I was rewarded by once again being WILLING. By once again just putting myself out there to see what God wanted. I was so blessed! This man was so very very busy yet he took the time to really encourage me and feel the pain weve gone through. He was willing to stop, put aside HIS agenda and seek Gods agenda. You just never know why God has you in a certain place. Be still. Be quiet and willing to just say yes. I am finding that there are blessings in store where we least expect it! Be encouraged as you run the race dear friends!!!
I will let you know if Plan A works out or if our adoption will have to move to Plan B. I am thankful for a plan B mind you.......
Under His wings,
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Snow?! Pt 3
I just have to tell you that if there is a law about carrying snowmen
across state lines I didnt have anything to do with it! Ha ha! Last Friday we went to Brewton, AL to make some memories!
We made all kinds of jokes about kidnapping snowmen!
Wondering if there was a missing persons alert sent out.......
We learned snow is WET and snow is COLD! ha ha!
We made all kinds of jokes about kidnapping snowmen!
Wondering if there was a missing persons alert sent out.......
We learned snow is WET and snow is COLD! ha ha!
Girls Day
Im not sure if Ive mentioned it on here but I have a 21 almost 22 year old daughter. She and I have alot in common.( She is alot like her father tho'.) She is in college and working, running her own household. They only live about 3 mi down the road and I love that. Fridays were delegated as "our day" quite awhile ago and she and I both look forward to them. I find myself counting the days until Friday often in life, not for the same reasons as everyone else tho'. I know that no matter what I will see "my girl" on Friday. Sometimes we go out and find something to do and other times we just watch a movie, a show we missed during the week or we will pull out a craft, a sewing project or something weve been knitting on and just knit together. Lately she has been Tutoring my son for an hour and then we are free with the rest of the day.
I mentioned that I will be teaching Art in the Juvenile detention boys camp next week. I ended up spending money on art supplies to make sure everything was "just so". SO the money I was going to use to purchase some books with ideas and techniques was spent on Sumi-e painting supplies. It freaks me out a bit because I have painted this way and learned the brush strokes but to TEACH them to teenage boys..... I just want to have it down pat. "A" got the idea for us to look it up at the University Library. We found some great books on their website and drove over to check them out. We got there and the most important book was nowhere to be found. They will put out a search. But it wont help me. I looked around at Hobby Lobby but theirs was out of my budget since Ive already spent so much on other stuff. Very Frustrating. I will spend time looking on the internet, hoping to find what I need out there on the World Wide Web.......
We grabbed a bite to eat and enjoyed the out and about time together. I was able to check out books that were totally unrelated. I inhaled one that I had seen on the Art bookshelves a long time ago and wanted. "Watercolor. A New Beginning. A holistic approach to painting"by Ann K. Lindsay. I hope that I can set down with this book and actually work through step by step- one little baby step at a time until I work past some serious issues I have had with my creativity and artistic abilities. I know what they are and if I couldve let go last night I wouldve sobbed at some of the words I read. There are other people that deal with this too?! I will have to MAKE myself get those expensive sheets of watercolor paper out and tear them into smaller sheets like she tells us to. (Pg 16 she even said, "Yes. use the expensive stuff. Forget what your art teacher and (fill in the blank) told you about Wasting things. Using the expensive stuff is not wasting the supplies! Unconsciously we heard " Dont use materials unless you can produce something 'worthwhile' (read good) with them- and good the first time! Heaven forbid dont use it up!" SO much for creative exploration! What we need to hear is, "use up your materials!" It's okay, This is about respecting and appreciating your materials, not wasting them. ) Just killed me! I need to remember this when I am working with the boys next week! Have a good time! This is to enjoy and have fun! So many people in my life have been so upset because I want to start over again with little ones. "I thought once your children were grown you could use your time to paint and get into your art again." I will not tell you what was in my head. Being an artist is something I run from. Really put the running shoes on and take off..... see that dust up ahead!!!
This shall be interesting. ;)
I am excited because a homeschool friend from Way back when has scheduled with someone she knows for us to tour a special school in Pensacola for students that need extra help. "A" is going to school to be a special ed / elementary ed teacher. This will be right up her alley. She has been put in a pretty difficult classroom for her practicum. (student teaching) The students have severe setbacks in their lives and there are many dynamics that are making education nearly impossible. The teachers are very burned out and many of these dynamics are out of their control. I wish I could discuss them but I cant. Let just say that with us in the position we are in, adopting a little one with different abilities, it breaks my heart. Next Friday "A" and I get to go have a different kind of day out and I cant wait! (yes I get to go too!)
Last Friday we got to go play in the snow. The men people joined us but that was okay! There was no way we wouldve even had a quarter of the fun without them with us! Im getting the pics posted. They are great. My 16 year old said ," Man I love my family." on the way home. "A"replied, "Yeah Me too." Honey to my heart......
I will give to a little adoption tidbit. The orphanage director was in town and met with "P" and I and actually asked the social worker to write a letter with Gs medicals attached asking them to grandfather our case into her agencies old accreditation. So we are still praying for a miracle. The council usually meets the last Thur of the month. I know she asked for those papers to be hand delivered to the three agencies that oversee the adoption process in Ecuador. Maybe.... just maybe.
I mentioned that I will be teaching Art in the Juvenile detention boys camp next week. I ended up spending money on art supplies to make sure everything was "just so". SO the money I was going to use to purchase some books with ideas and techniques was spent on Sumi-e painting supplies. It freaks me out a bit because I have painted this way and learned the brush strokes but to TEACH them to teenage boys..... I just want to have it down pat. "A" got the idea for us to look it up at the University Library. We found some great books on their website and drove over to check them out. We got there and the most important book was nowhere to be found. They will put out a search. But it wont help me. I looked around at Hobby Lobby but theirs was out of my budget since Ive already spent so much on other stuff. Very Frustrating. I will spend time looking on the internet, hoping to find what I need out there on the World Wide Web.......
We grabbed a bite to eat and enjoyed the out and about time together. I was able to check out books that were totally unrelated. I inhaled one that I had seen on the Art bookshelves a long time ago and wanted. "Watercolor. A New Beginning. A holistic approach to painting"by Ann K. Lindsay. I hope that I can set down with this book and actually work through step by step- one little baby step at a time until I work past some serious issues I have had with my creativity and artistic abilities. I know what they are and if I couldve let go last night I wouldve sobbed at some of the words I read. There are other people that deal with this too?! I will have to MAKE myself get those expensive sheets of watercolor paper out and tear them into smaller sheets like she tells us to. (Pg 16 she even said, "Yes. use the expensive stuff. Forget what your art teacher and (fill in the blank) told you about Wasting things. Using the expensive stuff is not wasting the supplies! Unconsciously we heard " Dont use materials unless you can produce something 'worthwhile' (read good) with them- and good the first time! Heaven forbid dont use it up!" SO much for creative exploration! What we need to hear is, "use up your materials!" It's okay, This is about respecting and appreciating your materials, not wasting them. ) Just killed me! I need to remember this when I am working with the boys next week! Have a good time! This is to enjoy and have fun! So many people in my life have been so upset because I want to start over again with little ones. "I thought once your children were grown you could use your time to paint and get into your art again." I will not tell you what was in my head. Being an artist is something I run from. Really put the running shoes on and take off..... see that dust up ahead!!!
This shall be interesting. ;)
I am excited because a homeschool friend from Way back when has scheduled with someone she knows for us to tour a special school in Pensacola for students that need extra help. "A" is going to school to be a special ed / elementary ed teacher. This will be right up her alley. She has been put in a pretty difficult classroom for her practicum. (student teaching) The students have severe setbacks in their lives and there are many dynamics that are making education nearly impossible. The teachers are very burned out and many of these dynamics are out of their control. I wish I could discuss them but I cant. Let just say that with us in the position we are in, adopting a little one with different abilities, it breaks my heart. Next Friday "A" and I get to go have a different kind of day out and I cant wait! (yes I get to go too!)
Last Friday we got to go play in the snow. The men people joined us but that was okay! There was no way we wouldve even had a quarter of the fun without them with us! Im getting the pics posted. They are great. My 16 year old said ," Man I love my family." on the way home. "A"replied, "Yeah Me too." Honey to my heart......
I will give to a little adoption tidbit. The orphanage director was in town and met with "P" and I and actually asked the social worker to write a letter with Gs medicals attached asking them to grandfather our case into her agencies old accreditation. So we are still praying for a miracle. The council usually meets the last Thur of the month. I know she asked for those papers to be hand delivered to the three agencies that oversee the adoption process in Ecuador. Maybe.... just maybe.
Friday, February 12, 2010
SNOW?! Pt. 2
Well...... you Northerners will get such a kick out of us!
The weatherman did promise snow.
We actually have no govt offices open and schools are closed for "snow day"!
I know I am just laughing so hard about it all.
Its barely cold enough.
I am sad for all the little kids (and those of us that are still kids at heart) that have watched the news. Heard the details and were told no school because it will be snowing ..... theyve been told this ALL WEEK. Its within driving distance so we are going to head out in an hour or so.(if it doesnt look like it will make it here) Its snowing in Brewton ,Al which is just a bout 20-30 min North. They are of course telling people not to get on the roads unless we have to. I think husband feels like this is a "have to" situation. I just heard on the news that it is snowing in Mobile, Al. So maybe here in the next hour that part of the front will pass through since we are parallel. That is what they said this far south. Around noon-ish. Our temps just havent stayed as low as theyd hoped. Such a fine line.... the air temps in the upper atmosphere and down closer to Terra Firma........
I will return later today with pictures to post. Maybe not of Florida snow but Alabama Snow.........
Not sure if house guests are coming. They were going to have to drive through Mobile to get here. That is disappointing. We will see if the ground and roads are cold enough for ice. Maybe once this passes they can get over tomorrow. The twins are off school until Wednesday and we have been looking forward to having them.
The weatherman did promise snow.
We actually have no govt offices open and schools are closed for "snow day"!
I know I am just laughing so hard about it all.
Its barely cold enough.
I am sad for all the little kids (and those of us that are still kids at heart) that have watched the news. Heard the details and were told no school because it will be snowing ..... theyve been told this ALL WEEK. Its within driving distance so we are going to head out in an hour or so.(if it doesnt look like it will make it here) Its snowing in Brewton ,Al which is just a bout 20-30 min North. They are of course telling people not to get on the roads unless we have to. I think husband feels like this is a "have to" situation. I just heard on the news that it is snowing in Mobile, Al. So maybe here in the next hour that part of the front will pass through since we are parallel. That is what they said this far south. Around noon-ish. Our temps just havent stayed as low as theyd hoped. Such a fine line.... the air temps in the upper atmosphere and down closer to Terra Firma........
I will return later today with pictures to post. Maybe not of Florida snow but Alabama Snow.........
Not sure if house guests are coming. They were going to have to drive through Mobile to get here. That is disappointing. We will see if the ground and roads are cold enough for ice. Maybe once this passes they can get over tomorrow. The twins are off school until Wednesday and we have been looking forward to having them.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It seems like we are supposed to get snow tonight! Thats what the weather man is saying and we know he is always right! ha ha! They said 2-3 inches tonight. the last time we got snow was in 1996. I have great pics of my little ones.... well back then they were little. Eric wouldve been two. So maybe we will be able to post pics of us in the snow like the rest of you before the weekend is over?!
Have a safe and wonderful night,
Under His wings,
Have a safe and wonderful night,
Under His wings,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Praying, Knitting, and Painting

Heres what Im up to While Im praying over our adoption and so many other needs.
Im knitting a scarf for the Youth Auction. Knitting socks for someone that shall remain nameless in case he finds my blog. (they are portable and keep my hands busy)
I also started a sweater for my son last month and cant wait to start the second skein on it once this scarf is done.
I told the Youth I would donate a painting for the Auction and pulled this one out and tweaked it a bit here and there. This was a fun project we did when I was taking classes. We drew out one object in different positions. Then use a BIG square brush to get the paint out quickly while the paper is wet. Once that color is dry we could go back in for fiddly stuff but werent allowed to play in it long. She was trying to teach people like me how to get in and out of a painting. Now I did spend a few hours yesterday and today tweaking it, walking away and looking at it anew to tweak a little more today. :) its hard teaching an old dog new tricks. I shouldve taken a before and after picture. When I took pics to send my daughter for her objective artistic opinion I loved how it looked on the table with the palette, brushes etc all lying around. Just was so real and in the moment. I shared with you how much I loved sitting under my mothers wing as a child and love going into other's studios and seeing the artistic mayhem. I have a little corner in the back room/ dining room. One day I will have a studio. ;) Anyhow I named this one Galations 5:22. I really like how it ended up.......
The sun is shining today again and I feel like I am finding myself again. Amidst the grief and chaos. I have alot on my plate for this month and I am doing my best to get back into the real world and function again. I continue to know that we are where God wants us. I continue to rest in Him and know that He is carrying me when I let him.
Under His wings,
Friday, February 5, 2010
Book review
I just wanted to take some time to write a few book reviews for Bethany Books. This is the first books I will review for them and I am so excited about the opportunity to have something new to add to my "to do" list.
The first book I read was "The Silent Governess" by Julie Klassen. I enjoyed the book thoroughly. If you are looking for a distraction from reality this would be a nice choice! I have not read any of this Authors other titles so I started this book without expectations. I enjoyed the historical quotes at the beginning of each chapter. If I was giving stars I would give it 4 out of 5. Wink wink........
The second book I read this past month was "The Hidden Flame" By Davis Bunn and Janette Oke. I have read these authors before. Both separately and together. I was so excited to see it on the list. It is the second book in the Acts of Faith series but I want you to know it can be read without reading the first book. The story line takes off right from the start and left me turning the pages as quickly as I could read. I enjoy the Historical Fiction books so this was right up my alley. I will say that when chapt two jumped ahead in time it took me awhile to get back into the flow but I am that way...... After reading my blog you know I like every thought and word expressed from start to finish. I do struggle with flow in my own train of thoughts but its hard for me to stay on track when others dont! ha ha! It would get 5 out of 5 stars in my book!
On to the third book. Yes, three BIG books in one month! What an undertaking..... I am JUST completing Sense and Sensibility. But I must say that this is a re-read for me. I have read Jane Austens book several times before this and enjoyed it each and every time. I just knew that this would not disappoint me. But if I must review the book and say exactly what I thought it would be mostly about the "Insight "given since that is what is up to review........ I enjoyed the bits of history, the cultural details given, comments, themes of faith etc. I was not really enthused about the happy face and frowny face comments.Or some of the other comments that were personal in nature. I suppose I was thinking it would be like reading a Cliff note edition with maybe scriptural reference or such. I dont know why but those just rubbed me wrong. I think those sorts of comments might be enjoyed by teenagers or even possibly someone of a different personality type. But me, not so much. I really felt like using a black marker and "deleting" them from the text. But I say this in being totally honest and this is just MY OPINION and preference. We all have them and I want to say this doesnt mean it wasnt an enjoyable insightful look at what I consider to be a treasure to read. (and re-read) This would be difficult to give stars. Maybe three out of five?????
Well, Im checking this off my "to do" list and feeling good to have one of the many many things looming over my head this month....... DONE! I thought I had learned how to say "No". My list contains things that are close to my heart and well..... needed to be done. I rarely say "yes" to things as of late because of the funk Ive found myself in. Just trying to take care of me and the family has been quite enough. THANK-YOU-VERY- MUCH! Yes Im my worst enemy of late. So Art lessons to plan and teach, sister and family coming into town for a long weekend, a purse to be sewn as a BD gift, a scarf/hat to be knit for missions Ecuador youth trip auction, painting to be completed for said auction, and prep for painting a mural in the church nursery(start in March) and just the other day I volunteered to sew curtains for the nursery. Turns out there are SIX windows! And theyd like them before opening day on the 22nd. eegads......
I DID get to go shopping for fabric and I need to say the day out, showered, dressed and with my oldest was very good for me. I am making a purse for a friends birthday. It will be so pretty when its done.
I also met with the teacher at the DJJ facility I will be working at and that was good. I now have direction and an idea of her expectations and thoughts on my project ideas. thats sceduled for the last week of the month but we will see......
No adoption news dear friends so keep praying for our little one and our family
Under His wings,
The first book I read was "The Silent Governess" by Julie Klassen. I enjoyed the book thoroughly. If you are looking for a distraction from reality this would be a nice choice! I have not read any of this Authors other titles so I started this book without expectations. I enjoyed the historical quotes at the beginning of each chapter. If I was giving stars I would give it 4 out of 5. Wink wink........
The second book I read this past month was "The Hidden Flame" By Davis Bunn and Janette Oke. I have read these authors before. Both separately and together. I was so excited to see it on the list. It is the second book in the Acts of Faith series but I want you to know it can be read without reading the first book. The story line takes off right from the start and left me turning the pages as quickly as I could read. I enjoy the Historical Fiction books so this was right up my alley. I will say that when chapt two jumped ahead in time it took me awhile to get back into the flow but I am that way...... After reading my blog you know I like every thought and word expressed from start to finish. I do struggle with flow in my own train of thoughts but its hard for me to stay on track when others dont! ha ha! It would get 5 out of 5 stars in my book!
On to the third book. Yes, three BIG books in one month! What an undertaking..... I am JUST completing Sense and Sensibility. But I must say that this is a re-read for me. I have read Jane Austens book several times before this and enjoyed it each and every time. I just knew that this would not disappoint me. But if I must review the book and say exactly what I thought it would be mostly about the "Insight "given since that is what is up to review........ I enjoyed the bits of history, the cultural details given, comments, themes of faith etc. I was not really enthused about the happy face and frowny face comments.Or some of the other comments that were personal in nature. I suppose I was thinking it would be like reading a Cliff note edition with maybe scriptural reference or such. I dont know why but those just rubbed me wrong. I think those sorts of comments might be enjoyed by teenagers or even possibly someone of a different personality type. But me, not so much. I really felt like using a black marker and "deleting" them from the text. But I say this in being totally honest and this is just MY OPINION and preference. We all have them and I want to say this doesnt mean it wasnt an enjoyable insightful look at what I consider to be a treasure to read. (and re-read) This would be difficult to give stars. Maybe three out of five?????
Well, Im checking this off my "to do" list and feeling good to have one of the many many things looming over my head this month....... DONE! I thought I had learned how to say "No". My list contains things that are close to my heart and well..... needed to be done. I rarely say "yes" to things as of late because of the funk Ive found myself in. Just trying to take care of me and the family has been quite enough. THANK-YOU-VERY- MUCH! Yes Im my worst enemy of late. So Art lessons to plan and teach, sister and family coming into town for a long weekend, a purse to be sewn as a BD gift, a scarf/hat to be knit for missions Ecuador youth trip auction, painting to be completed for said auction, and prep for painting a mural in the church nursery(start in March) and just the other day I volunteered to sew curtains for the nursery. Turns out there are SIX windows! And theyd like them before opening day on the 22nd. eegads......
I DID get to go shopping for fabric and I need to say the day out, showered, dressed and with my oldest was very good for me. I am making a purse for a friends birthday. It will be so pretty when its done.
I also met with the teacher at the DJJ facility I will be working at and that was good. I now have direction and an idea of her expectations and thoughts on my project ideas. thats sceduled for the last week of the month but we will see......
No adoption news dear friends so keep praying for our little one and our family
Under His wings,
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My last blog notes were about my trip this past weekend to my mother and fathers house. Once again God has met me where I am. He literally nourished my spirit. If I try to describe the feeling of the Spirit just flowing down like a balm over my tired and weary heart and spirit I know that words just wouldnt give it justice. I just cannot help you to understand if you havent experienced this before.
I know in my heart that in just under 4 very busy weeks this will be over.....
or a miracle will have happened.
Such anticipation after all of the emotional roller coaster of the past 17 months.
This is what is going on in me each day.
My son and a few friends decided to go to this concert with Todd Agnew, Pocket full of rocks and Meredith Andrews. I have heard of these people but they werent groups that I HAD to go hear if you know what I mean. I last min. called a friend on the way to the Dr with E and asked her if she wanted to join us. So it all came together "just so".
We went.
So many nuggets of Truth.
Beautiful voices.
A vounerable openness seemed to prevail.
No pride or pomp and circumstance.
Just a wholesome worship time.
I was touched my the message Todd Agnew gave.
He spoke about the story of David and Goliath at church camp.
Going back into the real world after camp ready to slay "his giant "......
a stone in his pocket with a sin.......
or just a letter to represent this sin
(if you happened to be too embarassed to write out the whole thing)......
written in sharpie
in his pocket.
That Giant
putting the stone
in the slingshot
and killing
the Giant...... temporarily.
The Giant came back to life..... how did that happen?!
He(Tom, or you, or I)
was supposed to be the main character of the story
wasnt he?????
Then he talked about learning that the story was really to help him see the plight of the Isrealites. They needed someone to come in and fight the battle for them. They couldnt do it without this warrior stepping in.
My friend and I looked at each other..... the light had come on!
Remember the beautiful story of Ruth and Boaz.
How it all .... all of it...... points to the Character of our Lord God. The Bible helps us learn of Him, His character. So in times like these we can remember the stories of how He steps in and fights the battle for us! His character revelaed in the stories so we can know He can and Will meet us right where we are at!!!!
Todd sang with such a raw and true voice that I couldnt keep that wall up.
I had to let it down and expose my heart.
It was safe with Him.
That deep raw place that needed the balm of Gilead to wash over it.
As he sang Isiah 6 I just wept. To sing such beautiful words and praise Him because of who HE IS. He is getting my praise because HE IS. I just wanted to ask everyone else to just go home and let me be alone while the song was sang over and over.
Just us and God........ He is.......
Is there something going on in your life that you need someone to step in and fight the battle for you?
When I studied in my Bible and commentary today I was so delighted to read about Ruth and Boaz again. Matthew Henry wrote on Ruth 3 vs 9: " Thou art He that has a right to redeem a family and an estate from perishing, and therefore let this ruin be under thy hand and spread thy skirt over me- be pleased to espouse me and my cause." Thus must we by faith apply ourselves to Jesus as our Kinsman, that is able to redeem us, Come under His wings , as we are invited(Mt 23:37) and beg of him to spread his skirt over us.
"Lord Jesus take me into thy convenant and under thy care,
I am oppressed,
undertake it for me.
Under His wings,
I know in my heart that in just under 4 very busy weeks this will be over.....
or a miracle will have happened.
Such anticipation after all of the emotional roller coaster of the past 17 months.
This is what is going on in me each day.
My son and a few friends decided to go to this concert with Todd Agnew, Pocket full of rocks and Meredith Andrews. I have heard of these people but they werent groups that I HAD to go hear if you know what I mean. I last min. called a friend on the way to the Dr with E and asked her if she wanted to join us. So it all came together "just so".
We went.
So many nuggets of Truth.
Beautiful voices.
A vounerable openness seemed to prevail.
No pride or pomp and circumstance.
Just a wholesome worship time.
I was touched my the message Todd Agnew gave.
He spoke about the story of David and Goliath at church camp.
Going back into the real world after camp ready to slay "his giant "......
a stone in his pocket with a sin.......
or just a letter to represent this sin
(if you happened to be too embarassed to write out the whole thing)......
written in sharpie
in his pocket.
That Giant
putting the stone
in the slingshot
and killing
the Giant...... temporarily.
The Giant came back to life..... how did that happen?!
He(Tom, or you, or I)
was supposed to be the main character of the story
wasnt he?????
Then he talked about learning that the story was really to help him see the plight of the Isrealites. They needed someone to come in and fight the battle for them. They couldnt do it without this warrior stepping in.
My friend and I looked at each other..... the light had come on!
Remember the beautiful story of Ruth and Boaz.
How it all .... all of it...... points to the Character of our Lord God. The Bible helps us learn of Him, His character. So in times like these we can remember the stories of how He steps in and fights the battle for us! His character revelaed in the stories so we can know He can and Will meet us right where we are at!!!!
Todd sang with such a raw and true voice that I couldnt keep that wall up.
I had to let it down and expose my heart.
It was safe with Him.
That deep raw place that needed the balm of Gilead to wash over it.
As he sang Isiah 6 I just wept. To sing such beautiful words and praise Him because of who HE IS. He is getting my praise because HE IS. I just wanted to ask everyone else to just go home and let me be alone while the song was sang over and over.
Just us and God........ He is.......
Is there something going on in your life that you need someone to step in and fight the battle for you?
When I studied in my Bible and commentary today I was so delighted to read about Ruth and Boaz again. Matthew Henry wrote on Ruth 3 vs 9: " Thou art He that has a right to redeem a family and an estate from perishing, and therefore let this ruin be under thy hand and spread thy skirt over me- be pleased to espouse me and my cause." Thus must we by faith apply ourselves to Jesus as our Kinsman, that is able to redeem us, Come under His wings , as we are invited(Mt 23:37) and beg of him to spread his skirt over us.
"Lord Jesus take me into thy convenant and under thy care,
I am oppressed,
undertake it for me.
Under His wings,
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
My Mother
Just returned from a whirlwind trip to Ga to visit my mother. It was her birthday on Friday past and I asked P last weekend if we could work it out. It took him a few days to clear his calendar but he did it! We left early Friday morning and celebrated her birthday . I will be kind and not tell you how old she is. ;)
There is something about a mother.
My mother is beautiful, both inside and out.
She has been married to my father since she was 17 years old. I wasnt born until she was between 19 and 20.
My mother is an artist and I can remember sitting under her arm for hours while she painted.
She has a studio in her basement and Mom teaches at the park and rec. twice a week.
When I go visit we share about the paintings we are working on and the ideas we have for future paintings or what she is going to do with her class. Her medium of choice is oil and I prefer watercolor.
This visit was much needed on my side.
My mother has been wonderful through the adoption process. Some people wonder why we would take this on at our age. Our children almost grown. But I see things through different eyes. I see it as a perfect time! My mother must have done something when we were young girls. My other two sisters are wanting to adopt as well but they are in different places in their lives than we are and their husbands arent ready yet. And they may never be. I appreciate my mothers quiet support and for her listening to the latest news. I know she struggles with watching us hurt and watching us being willing to take on this adventure.
P made a 3-milk cake courtesy of Alton Brown. It was delish! I know it wasnt good for the blood sugar. Sorry Mom and Dad. We went to dinner in Cumming Ga on Saturday evening to celebrate their group completing their Disciple one bible study. God was so good to send a snow flurry while we were there. P , E and I - true Floridians rushed out and soaked it in. It was so beautiful I almost wept. The flakes were huge and blew into our faces. And just for a minute, or two or three...... I forgot about that huge ache in my heart.
The next morning we woke up to ice in the trees sparkling like diamonds. Spectacular. We went to church and worshiped. I love joining them. Their church family has been so kind. They treat us like family. We sang acapella and thankfully I didnt cry this time.
Lets just say that many tears were shed as we pulled out of the driveway yesterday morning.
Thanks P and God..... I needed the little getaway.
I am not sure how to update you on our adoption.
There is going to be some action to see if maybe the govt council will figure out a way to process our adoption without our agencys accreditation. Yes, you read right. She did not get accreditation in Ecuador. I dont want to give too many details because, well...... Im not sure I can. We are praying for grace. Spelled with a little and a big G. ;) Dear friends, if by chance this works out it can truely without a shadow of doubt could be considered a miracle.
Under His wings,
There is something about a mother.
My mother is beautiful, both inside and out.
She has been married to my father since she was 17 years old. I wasnt born until she was between 19 and 20.
My mother is an artist and I can remember sitting under her arm for hours while she painted.
She has a studio in her basement and Mom teaches at the park and rec. twice a week.
When I go visit we share about the paintings we are working on and the ideas we have for future paintings or what she is going to do with her class. Her medium of choice is oil and I prefer watercolor.
This visit was much needed on my side.
My mother has been wonderful through the adoption process. Some people wonder why we would take this on at our age. Our children almost grown. But I see things through different eyes. I see it as a perfect time! My mother must have done something when we were young girls. My other two sisters are wanting to adopt as well but they are in different places in their lives than we are and their husbands arent ready yet. And they may never be. I appreciate my mothers quiet support and for her listening to the latest news. I know she struggles with watching us hurt and watching us being willing to take on this adventure.
P made a 3-milk cake courtesy of Alton Brown. It was delish! I know it wasnt good for the blood sugar. Sorry Mom and Dad. We went to dinner in Cumming Ga on Saturday evening to celebrate their group completing their Disciple one bible study. God was so good to send a snow flurry while we were there. P , E and I - true Floridians rushed out and soaked it in. It was so beautiful I almost wept. The flakes were huge and blew into our faces. And just for a minute, or two or three...... I forgot about that huge ache in my heart.
The next morning we woke up to ice in the trees sparkling like diamonds. Spectacular. We went to church and worshiped. I love joining them. Their church family has been so kind. They treat us like family. We sang acapella and thankfully I didnt cry this time.
Lets just say that many tears were shed as we pulled out of the driveway yesterday morning.
Thanks P and God..... I needed the little getaway.
I am not sure how to update you on our adoption.
There is going to be some action to see if maybe the govt council will figure out a way to process our adoption without our agencys accreditation. Yes, you read right. She did not get accreditation in Ecuador. I dont want to give too many details because, well...... Im not sure I can. We are praying for grace. Spelled with a little and a big G. ;) Dear friends, if by chance this works out it can truely without a shadow of doubt could be considered a miracle.
Under His wings,
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