Friday, March 18, 2011

Winter sure does make me appreciate Spring !

I am just going to link to this post and this one.

These are two mamas being real in the "after".
My hats off to both of them.

Makes me think of how beatiful Spring is after Winter!
the contrasts!!!!
The contrast of light and dark,
grief and true joy.....

I could go on and on.
But I wont.
I am so glad that with time,
that feeling of being the mama,
the real bonding,
the true nitty gritty love
can be found.

Im so glad that God is patient with me.
More patient than I am with myself.
I think in the unknown its easy to get worried about the
"what ifs?"

Yesterday morning we were snuggled up in bed and little G looked at me and signed,"Good Morning."
Tears pricked my eyes
and a lump was in my throat.
Of course it wouldnt be a good morning without her all snuggled up next to me and starting the day off with lots and lots of kisses being given and recieved.

I think she likes me.

I remain,
Under His wings,

1 comment:

  1. Yes, she likes you! But more importantly, she loves you, Anna!

    Human gestation is 9 months. I wonder if there's a correlation?

    Love ya!


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