Wednesday, January 5, 2011

some 'Tude????

I had to laugh at myself....
I had a "Did I just say that?" moment.
I am giggling as I am typing it......
(since I have a photo to boot! Taken at a diferent moment but SOOO showing you what I mean)

I actually told little G:

"No more "no". No more....."
as I am signing no more or all done.....
I mean really? Is that even gramatically correct???
So the secrets out......

then today as I walk past her room, she threw her doll into her mirror and I see her with hands on hips then signing and saying "no more.....n ooooo no more." waving her finger. (talk about self discipline! She knows not to throw her toys but sometimes just cant refuse the thrill of a loud thud! really, belly laughs.....) I had to oblige her and take the doll away. ;)

I remain,
Uner His wings,


  1. Pretend play,mimicking,role playing ... awesome developmental milestones!So very typical and so very beautiful to me!And,I for one like a girl with a 'tude!

  2. Oh happens you turn around and there you are in miniature :)


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