Monday, October 15, 2012

A is for attitude...........

The only disability in life 
is a bad attitude. 
                             -Scott Hamilton

If you don't like something, change it.
 If you can't change it, change your attitude. 

         - Maya Angelou

( One day I will fit in these shoes!)

Attitude is more important than the past, 
than education, than money,
 than circumstances, than what people do or say.
 It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. 

-Charles Swindoll

Take a child and patch her "good eye".
Id think she would have a reason
to have a bad attitude.
Nope, this is her playing with her cat piano
and singing twinkle twinkle little star
she is my little star.......

you see,
I had blood work a little over two weeks ago
to test for celiac disease
you know, cant eat gluten, bread, pasta, pizza crust
to name a few......
I was whining and telling DH how much I hope
and pray this isnt the root of the problems
the continuing saga of anemia 
cuz its such a pain and I dont want to have to live this way
for the rest of my life.
He was quick to say,
"well do you think Lil G wanted any of this???"
Attitude check
with a capitol A.

thought Id share in case anyone else needed an attitude check for the day,
it is Monday you know! Ha ha!


  1. Thank you for sharing the attitude check Anna, dear and beautiful friend. I pray you have the answers you need soon.

  2. Hi Anna,
    It is indeed a very small world!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment.
    Does your Mom have a blog?
    To keep things a bit private please feel free to send me an email for anything personal. Thanks!

  3. Oh. My. Gosh.

    The shoe one KILLED me.

    So darling. So absolutely darling.

    1. You are such an ego booster my friend. Thank you for opening up my world to blogging.

  4. So glad she's not letting the eye patch slow her down!!! Hoping the food issue will get easier....thinking we should move some of the kids to gluten free; but been dreading having to put out even more effort toward food issues!! There's a lot of great recipe blogs out there maybe you..and maybe I.... could survive it if it has to be long term :) Blessings, Jennifer


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