Just wanted you to know that I just got off the phone with our immigration officer. She said we had waited long enough and she was going to give us the approval so that the paperwork could be sent for article 5 approval then off to the Embassy in Ecuador! this was after I explained that "little G's" case was proposed to our agency since she is considered hard to place. So we were matched here in the US not in Ecuador. For a typical adoption the paperwork is sent and Ecuador matches you with a child. So we dont have a document from Ecuador matching us with "little G". Our officer said if it looked like we needed supporting documents they would let us know. So that paperwork will be moving while we wait on the council to meet again. Weve been told this week. Usually the council meets on Wed. or Thur.
Im going to unpack and repack her suitcase. Its usually good therapy for me.......
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A Day of rest
Today I am enjoying a day of rest.
I havent had anything to write lately.
How can I blog about Down Syndrome when My little one is so far away?
I have heard good news about our wait but I just cannot really think about it. We have been told so many things so many times in the past year and I really want someone to blame. But I think this is the place in my life that I am learning that really it doesnt matter, God is in control. He has a plan. NO matter what happens it is my choice to keep trusting Him and that no one on this earth has the power to change His plans for me our our sweet "little G". I have gotten pictures of her this week and last week. Some were from the orphanage- her dressed for school in her uniform and wearing her glasses. So very cute. The others were sent to me from a family in Sweden that adopted one of her friends. They are holding hands across the table.(so now we have others praying in Sweden!) God continues to send hugs to us this way and I trust that He wants Grace to have a family.
I am praying we can be in Ecuador for her birthday? Maybe? November 24th she will turn 4 years old.
I havent had anything to write lately.
How can I blog about Down Syndrome when My little one is so far away?
I have heard good news about our wait but I just cannot really think about it. We have been told so many things so many times in the past year and I really want someone to blame. But I think this is the place in my life that I am learning that really it doesnt matter, God is in control. He has a plan. NO matter what happens it is my choice to keep trusting Him and that no one on this earth has the power to change His plans for me our our sweet "little G". I have gotten pictures of her this week and last week. Some were from the orphanage- her dressed for school in her uniform and wearing her glasses. So very cute. The others were sent to me from a family in Sweden that adopted one of her friends. They are holding hands across the table.(so now we have others praying in Sweden!) God continues to send hugs to us this way and I trust that He wants Grace to have a family.
I am praying we can be in Ecuador for her birthday? Maybe? November 24th she will turn 4 years old.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Waiting on a Miracle
Just an update to let you know I have nothing to say. Still waiting on a miracle!
I hope to hear from our adoption agency soon to know if the council heard our plea for mercy.
Just hoping things work out so that we can see our "little G" soon.
So, Sweet Dreams little one
Ques suenes con los angeletos
"dream with the little angels"
I hope to hear from our adoption agency soon to know if the council heard our plea for mercy.
Just hoping things work out so that we can see our "little G" soon.
So, Sweet Dreams little one
Ques suenes con los angeletos
"dream with the little angels"
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I just couldnt help posting about this timely message.
You see, this was the "message" in youth group service last night.
Ive been going to Hear "E" play bass guitar in Youth group and be an extra set of eyes and hands. I have assured "E" that once we get "Little G " home it may come to an end. (I think he tried to hide a smile.....)
What a nice word.
It applies to so many things in my life right now.
Since Im blogging about our adoption and Down Syndrome awareness I just knew it would be the post for today.
Perseverance n. : the action or condition or an insistance of persevering: steadfastness.
Persevere: to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of difficulties, counter influences, opposition, or discouragement.
Oh how I love that, Steady persistance in a course of action....
So the scripture reading was about Joseph. Genesis 37.... read it if you dont remember. You know the one, the youngest of was it twelve??? Loved by his father and sold into slavery by his brothers.... Sold into slavery. Then harassed by his bosses wife, wrongly accused and thrown into jail.
Or so it seems.
But God had not forgotten him.
Two years later a former inmate remembers him and through a chain of events he becomes second in charge!!!!
The message was ended by talking about no matter if youve been betrayed, hurt, lied to..... God knows.
Keep your focus on Jesus Christ.
Just focus on him...... and STOP acting like you are broken.
STOP being broken........
I will end this post to ask if anyone is out there and reads this, please pray for our adoption process and for "Little G" . The news I have gotten this morning breaks my heart and it seems like it may take a miracle to bring her home.
I am so thankful that I know a miracle worker.
In fact, He is my best friend.
I choose to persevere.
And focus on Him.
You see, this was the "message" in youth group service last night.
Ive been going to Hear "E" play bass guitar in Youth group and be an extra set of eyes and hands. I have assured "E" that once we get "Little G " home it may come to an end. (I think he tried to hide a smile.....)
What a nice word.
It applies to so many things in my life right now.
Since Im blogging about our adoption and Down Syndrome awareness I just knew it would be the post for today.
Perseverance n. : the action or condition or an insistance of persevering: steadfastness.
Persevere: to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of difficulties, counter influences, opposition, or discouragement.
Oh how I love that, Steady persistance in a course of action....
So the scripture reading was about Joseph. Genesis 37.... read it if you dont remember. You know the one, the youngest of was it twelve??? Loved by his father and sold into slavery by his brothers.... Sold into slavery. Then harassed by his bosses wife, wrongly accused and thrown into jail.
Or so it seems.
But God had not forgotten him.
Two years later a former inmate remembers him and through a chain of events he becomes second in charge!!!!
The message was ended by talking about no matter if youve been betrayed, hurt, lied to..... God knows.
Keep your focus on Jesus Christ.
Just focus on him...... and STOP acting like you are broken.
STOP being broken........
I will end this post to ask if anyone is out there and reads this, please pray for our adoption process and for "Little G" . The news I have gotten this morning breaks my heart and it seems like it may take a miracle to bring her home.
I am so thankful that I know a miracle worker.
In fact, He is my best friend.
I choose to persevere.
And focus on Him.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, October 12, 2009
"not me" Mondays
Okay so Ive seen a trend and Im not sure if Im supposed to "follow" a blog to do this. I thought it was cute and dont know what to write other than.
"it wasnt me" that sat in my PJs until noon reading blogs about families and how Ds affects their lives! Nope not me!
I also didnt call the Adoption agency director about our adoption...... since I said I wouldnt.
"it wasnt me" that sat in my PJs until noon reading blogs about families and how Ds affects their lives! Nope not me!
I also didnt call the Adoption agency director about our adoption...... since I said I wouldnt.
Sundays post
Let me just say..... I thought I posted! Really... I did!!
Let me just say..... I thought I posted! Really... I did!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Just a few thoughts
Today is full. Completely, utterly cram packed with action........
Our youngest is going to homecoming........ yes, with a girl. And there will be dancing, corsages, and going out to dinner without parents in tow. ( we did the shopping adventure the other day and he is NOT a shopper. Never has been. I feel bad for his future wife.) While I am waiting on him to inhale his lunch so we can pick up her corsage before the florist closes I thought I might want to post todays thoughts.
First, our adoption Bible verse:
Proverbs 24:12 "Once our eyes are opened we cant pretend we dont know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act.
These are also wonderful verses that are written all over the folders FULL of important papers. Three of them!!!!
1Samuel 1:27 " For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him."
Proverbs 31:8-9 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute- Speak up and judge fairly. Defend the rights of the poor and needy."
James 1:27 "Religion pure and undefiled with God and father is this, to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation- unspotted to keep himself from the world."
Hosea 14:3 " In you the orphan finds mercy. "
Psalm 68:5-6 "Father to the fatherless, defender of widows- this is God, whose dwelling is Holy. God places the lonely in families."
Matthew 18:5 "And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me."
Isiah 43:5-6 "Do not be afraid for I am with you,
I will bring your children from the East and gather you up from the West.
I will say to the North, "Give them up!" and to the South, "Do not hold them back!"
Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth."
Proverbs 25:25 "Like cold water to a weary soul, is good news from a distant land.
And I close with this one.
I know this is a favorite by many but I choose this verse to be for my "little G"
God loved her before I knew her. He knew her while she was being knit in her mothers womb!!
Jeremiah 29:9-14a NIV
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you." Declares the LORD "
Our youngest is going to homecoming........ yes, with a girl. And there will be dancing, corsages, and going out to dinner without parents in tow. ( we did the shopping adventure the other day and he is NOT a shopper. Never has been. I feel bad for his future wife.) While I am waiting on him to inhale his lunch so we can pick up her corsage before the florist closes I thought I might want to post todays thoughts.
First, our adoption Bible verse:
Proverbs 24:12 "Once our eyes are opened we cant pretend we dont know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act.
These are also wonderful verses that are written all over the folders FULL of important papers. Three of them!!!!
1Samuel 1:27 " For this child I prayed, and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of Him."
Proverbs 31:8-9 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute- Speak up and judge fairly. Defend the rights of the poor and needy."
James 1:27 "Religion pure and undefiled with God and father is this, to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation- unspotted to keep himself from the world."
Hosea 14:3 " In you the orphan finds mercy. "
Psalm 68:5-6 "Father to the fatherless, defender of widows- this is God, whose dwelling is Holy. God places the lonely in families."
Matthew 18:5 "And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me."
Isiah 43:5-6 "Do not be afraid for I am with you,
I will bring your children from the East and gather you up from the West.
I will say to the North, "Give them up!" and to the South, "Do not hold them back!"
Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth."
Proverbs 25:25 "Like cold water to a weary soul, is good news from a distant land.
And I close with this one.
I know this is a favorite by many but I choose this verse to be for my "little G"
God loved her before I knew her. He knew her while she was being knit in her mothers womb!!
Jeremiah 29:9-14a NIV
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you." Declares the LORD "
Friday, October 9, 2009
"Little G"
So, since our little one isnt home let me tell you a little bit that I know about her.I love the "thoughts" of her so much. Yet dont "know her" as a person.
"Little G" was born in a hospital on Nov 24th 2005. Her mother checked out of the hospital but didnt take her home with her. I am thankful that she knew that she couldnt do this and left our little one in a safe place. At 5 days old she went to the Orphanage. I actually got an e-mail from the family that picked her up at the hospital and named her. What a treasure. Her name is beautiful!!!!! (Im sure your first guess will be it!)
Through a chain of events we ended up here. Adoption. Then choosing to adopt a child with "special-ness" Its just what we were meant to do. We chose a child from Ecuador since going through our system wasnt an option. (our church is very involved in Ecuador and many have learned Spanish as a result) There wasnt a little girl on Reeces Rainbow.... so I asked around. And we found HER. You know.... "The one" I know she looks nothing like us. But sometimes when I look at one of the pics I have of her it makes me think of the pics of me at that age. Glasses and ponytails. And DH does have dark hair. We arent supposed to share pics of our little ones and many dont share names. She isnt "ours" yet. But a little painting of a picture will do wont it?????

She was born with cataracts which were removed around one year of age. They tried contacts but she kept getting eye infections. She has worn glasses to replace the lenses and we hope that we can make progress with that here in the states. One thing that is hard for us is that the Orphanage doesnt keep her glasses on her. They cant afford to replace them. I am not sure how they decide when. But since Christmas, when she started walking, we rarely get pics with them on her. :( You know, she is blind without them...... sigh
Her medicals also show a heart murmur that they are watching and letting close on its own. She started walking at 39 mos because of her Lax hips. When our Adoption Director visited in Aug she said that "little G" was always moving and very busy. I also heard form an adoptive mother that "little G" wanders around with her arms outstretched wanting to be picked up and loves to be held. Sounds perfect doesnt it?
"little G" isnt speaking yet but can point to body parts when asked and a few other things. (of course she is asked these things in Spanish!) Which we are trying to learn. My daughter and I know sign language and we are hoping that we can start ASAP to facilitate communication. I also want to make a comunication board and possibly a book to take to Ecuador with us so maybe she can point at a pic for me to know what she wants/ needs. It shall be fun.
She gets to go to a special preschool 3 days a week and they say she has "blossomed" since starting.Thursday, October 8, 2009
31 for 21
So Ive still been reading blogs on the list of bloggers doing the "31 for 21" thing. I have enjoyed reading them so much. But Im only at number 35 out of 118 on the list! Wowee Zowee Batman!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wonderful Wednesday
Just wanted to let you all know that today was a beautiful, busy, and fun day.
Got up and helped Eric home school.
Went to my first "art class" in over five years. The teacher was great. She just let me do my own thing and seemed to appreciate what I was working on even though it wasnt her style. I liked her and think it will stay on my schedule to get me out of the house and doing something that God has gifted me to do.......
I went to UWF for a conference on disabilites and it ended up being over... .they said it went until 3pm but at 2:15 everyone was packing up. I did catch up with one person and ended up with three pamphlets for three different services. Not too shabby since I missed it!!! ha ha! So I may make few phone calls tomorrow.
Had a friend on my mind as I was headed to the mall to see if I could find things for "E" for homecoming. Come to find out she was at the same mall so we hooked up! Was way amazing. We then went to TJ Max to hunt some more and then Starbucks. Had a great catch up time and I felt so blessed.
Then my mother called to see how we were doing. I didnt have the heart to tell her church was starting soon and sat outside and enjoyed hearing her voice. Theres nothing like a mother is there?!
Went in for Worship with our FAB youth group. I was so blessed as several of my Peeps asked how I was..... I could tell they really meant it. So I let myself go a bit and cry out some tears that were tired of being held in. I think they understood. I really am okay. I really trust God to know whats best for "little G" and for us. He has made sure she is loved, and in the best orphanage possible. I am just so sad at missing out on her 3rd year...... it really breaks my heart that she has a perfectly good family waiting for her....... I hear the orphanages are having to turn little ones away since they have been so backlogged. I pray this is a rumor and not the case. Our lawyer went to the New council director and took the the old director along. Hen eloquently spoke of the need to get the adoptions moving. I pray he hit a sensitive spot. We have a 45 day deadline for our immigration paperwork.......... sigh.
It was a great day.
Filled with my sisters in Chist and love......
BTW.... did I tell you DH bought me Pansies on Tuesday????
Now what guy just brings home three trays of pansies "just because?" He kills me........
Got up and helped Eric home school.
Went to my first "art class" in over five years. The teacher was great. She just let me do my own thing and seemed to appreciate what I was working on even though it wasnt her style. I liked her and think it will stay on my schedule to get me out of the house and doing something that God has gifted me to do.......
I went to UWF for a conference on disabilites and it ended up being over... .they said it went until 3pm but at 2:15 everyone was packing up. I did catch up with one person and ended up with three pamphlets for three different services. Not too shabby since I missed it!!! ha ha! So I may make few phone calls tomorrow.
Had a friend on my mind as I was headed to the mall to see if I could find things for "E" for homecoming. Come to find out she was at the same mall so we hooked up! Was way amazing. We then went to TJ Max to hunt some more and then Starbucks. Had a great catch up time and I felt so blessed.
Then my mother called to see how we were doing. I didnt have the heart to tell her church was starting soon and sat outside and enjoyed hearing her voice. Theres nothing like a mother is there?!
Went in for Worship with our FAB youth group. I was so blessed as several of my Peeps asked how I was..... I could tell they really meant it. So I let myself go a bit and cry out some tears that were tired of being held in. I think they understood. I really am okay. I really trust God to know whats best for "little G" and for us. He has made sure she is loved, and in the best orphanage possible. I am just so sad at missing out on her 3rd year...... it really breaks my heart that she has a perfectly good family waiting for her....... I hear the orphanages are having to turn little ones away since they have been so backlogged. I pray this is a rumor and not the case. Our lawyer went to the New council director and took the the old director along. Hen eloquently spoke of the need to get the adoptions moving. I pray he hit a sensitive spot. We have a 45 day deadline for our immigration paperwork.......... sigh.
It was a great day.
Filled with my sisters in Chist and love......
BTW.... did I tell you DH bought me Pansies on Tuesday????
Now what guy just brings home three trays of pansies "just because?" He kills me........
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
31 for 21- How much fun!
Okay, Im going to have to set a timer and allot a certain amount of time Im allowed to read other blogs. Ive been enjoying reading the stories and seeing beautiful little families loving each other and loving life. This has been a treat and I thank everyone for a glimpse of your reality.
I hope you stop by and leave a post......
Today and yesterday were filled with Home schooling, guitar lessons, sewing little felt dolls- see previous post, cooking and laundry, organizing "little G's " room.( yes again.) My sister just moved and sent the most wonderful outgrown toys, books, TV shelf..... if only we could knock a wall out and add onto the room! ha ha! If only I had a little girl sleeping in there......
Hopefully soon.
I hope you stop by and leave a post......
Today and yesterday were filled with Home schooling, guitar lessons, sewing little felt dolls- see previous post, cooking and laundry, organizing "little G's " room.( yes again.) My sister just moved and sent the most wonderful outgrown toys, books, TV shelf..... if only we could knock a wall out and add onto the room! ha ha! If only I had a little girl sleeping in there......
Hopefully soon.
Monday, October 5, 2009
You are preaching your own Eulogy each day of your life!
So yesterday was such a busy day that I wasnt able to post. Not near a computer..... but living life......loving life! So in the 31 for 21 count.... this counts as Sundays post. I will post this eve for today.
We went to church. What a moving experience. This was the second Sunday in our new sanctuary. It is such a beautiful place to gather to worship. It was communion Sunday and I loved praying with my husband at the beautiful altars. I am finding a deep need to be in this place and with these people. My heart aches..... and they have been "family" for so long. Just being there makes me feel like Im at home. This quote, title for Sunday, is from our pastors sermon. It may be paraphrased. My brain has a way of doing that.......
We came home to change clothes and drive to Mississippi to see my sister and her family. What a great day! The drive was horrible. My husband is an awesome driver. Its everyone else that really pushes me over the edge. Pouring rain....... was hard on this nervous person. But we made it there in one piece and she had food ready for lunch at 2pm! They have lived in Japan for too many years....... we enjoyed the fried rice and corn soup. Then Pizza for dinner! She had boxes of things to bring home for "little G ". Today in between schooling and guitar lessons I will sort and store things. I am moved by her generosity.... their willingness to share with a little girl they have never met.......... My sister has always been the most generous person Ive ever been around. She is teaching the girls those same traits. My heart was full when they brought out a little Japanese backpack with pages of stickers in it for "Little G". It was all I could do to not cry. I cant wait for them to come and stay the weekend in "little G"s room. it is quite a bit smaller than they are used to. But I have beds ready and waiting.
We went to church. What a moving experience. This was the second Sunday in our new sanctuary. It is such a beautiful place to gather to worship. It was communion Sunday and I loved praying with my husband at the beautiful altars. I am finding a deep need to be in this place and with these people. My heart aches..... and they have been "family" for so long. Just being there makes me feel like Im at home. This quote, title for Sunday, is from our pastors sermon. It may be paraphrased. My brain has a way of doing that.......
We came home to change clothes and drive to Mississippi to see my sister and her family. What a great day! The drive was horrible. My husband is an awesome driver. Its everyone else that really pushes me over the edge. Pouring rain....... was hard on this nervous person. But we made it there in one piece and she had food ready for lunch at 2pm! They have lived in Japan for too many years....... we enjoyed the fried rice and corn soup. Then Pizza for dinner! She had boxes of things to bring home for "little G ". Today in between schooling and guitar lessons I will sort and store things. I am moved by her generosity.... their willingness to share with a little girl they have never met.......... My sister has always been the most generous person Ive ever been around. She is teaching the girls those same traits. My heart was full when they brought out a little Japanese backpack with pages of stickers in it for "Little G". It was all I could do to not cry. I cant wait for them to come and stay the weekend in "little G"s room. it is quite a bit smaller than they are used to. But I have beds ready and waiting.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
What Ive been up to lately

Well, we have been preparing to fly to visit the Orphanage and I wanted gifts to give the children in the Toddler house and for the Tias. I hunted around the internet and found a few ideas at "Purl Bee" website. Sorry I havent figured out how to link things. Ive tried.... and given up.
The first project is felt dolls. The pattern was designed by a lady that sells her stuff on Etsy named Mimi and shared a simplified pattern with Purl Bee. Its kept me busy and I havent gotten much knitting done as a result...... I am going to tweak the pattern to make little boy soccer players for the boys. Then leave the extras for the psych. team to give children that have just arrived and need therapies etc.
I'll post pics later for the Tia's gifts.
Friday, October 2, 2009
21 for 31
Okay, so I just signed up to blog the whole month of October.
I know, I am laughing too! I mean really, I can do things.
I can do some things fairly well.
But blogging. Not so much.
SO here it goes. Ive already gotten behind because, well, we werent a family with a loved one that had Down Syndrome last year. So I didnt know.......
So last year this time I was the excited parent to be. The excited Adoptive parent to be if you want to be technical about it all. Stars in my eyes. Ink not yet dry on the application form and fees sent. "oh, she is so special you will have her home by Januruary." But we are dealing with a third world country. New Hague laws. And newly elected officals...... Fall turned into winter turned into Spring turned into summer and now I smell fall in the air again. The newness and the excitement are mixed with a dull ache. A "little G "sized hole in my heart. The empty room ....... the clothes....... the toys. Waiting for a sweet little girl that has captured our heart.
The first pictures we saw of "little G" were the cutest ever! Such big eyes....behind such big glasses, cute little waterfall on the top of her head.(you know that little bunch of hair) She aged six months from that day to the next update we got all in one fell swoop. Then the months have ticked past and she has learned so much. She is now walking and drinks from a straw. (part of her therapy is to blow bubbles with the straw in her drink Im told)
I just got a new update yesterday. new pictures. New stories about a little girl that visits me in my dreams........ sigh. I dont get as excited as I used to when we got a new update. TO see how much she has changed hurts. I WANT her to be making milestones and learning new things. I just wanted to be part of the crowd cheering her on.
We are supposedly so close as far as the paperwork is considered. But her country is so far away. And weve been in this same place, waiting since April. (and were told then that we'd hear something within two weeks )
I am tired.
I amWeary.
Iam Worn down.
Yet.... still trusting that this is where God wants us.
And here I will remain until we bring "little G" home.
I know, I am laughing too! I mean really, I can do things.
I can do some things fairly well.
But blogging. Not so much.
SO here it goes. Ive already gotten behind because, well, we werent a family with a loved one that had Down Syndrome last year. So I didnt know.......
So last year this time I was the excited parent to be. The excited Adoptive parent to be if you want to be technical about it all. Stars in my eyes. Ink not yet dry on the application form and fees sent. "oh, she is so special you will have her home by Januruary." But we are dealing with a third world country. New Hague laws. And newly elected officals...... Fall turned into winter turned into Spring turned into summer and now I smell fall in the air again. The newness and the excitement are mixed with a dull ache. A "little G "sized hole in my heart. The empty room ....... the clothes....... the toys. Waiting for a sweet little girl that has captured our heart.
The first pictures we saw of "little G" were the cutest ever! Such big eyes....behind such big glasses, cute little waterfall on the top of her head.(you know that little bunch of hair) She aged six months from that day to the next update we got all in one fell swoop. Then the months have ticked past and she has learned so much. She is now walking and drinks from a straw. (part of her therapy is to blow bubbles with the straw in her drink Im told)
I just got a new update yesterday. new pictures. New stories about a little girl that visits me in my dreams........ sigh. I dont get as excited as I used to when we got a new update. TO see how much she has changed hurts. I WANT her to be making milestones and learning new things. I just wanted to be part of the crowd cheering her on.
We are supposedly so close as far as the paperwork is considered. But her country is so far away. And weve been in this same place, waiting since April. (and were told then that we'd hear something within two weeks )
I am tired.
I amWeary.
Iam Worn down.
Yet.... still trusting that this is where God wants us.
And here I will remain until we bring "little G" home.
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