Monday, March 5, 2012

Thankful Monday

I read a great blog post this morning.
Ive been thinking about it ever since.
Thought I would list all the things I am thankful for
as a result of reading Jen Hatmakers post.
(she is speaking in Birmingham
and I really think I want to go.......)

SO thankful I married my best friend,
"my opposite"

  • loves being early
  • is a happy "morning person"
  • can carry on a conversation without giving his whole life history,
  • rarely cries, (Ive seen him tear up three times- darn allergies!!!)
  • loves lists,
  • hates spending time on the computer (isnt even ON FACEBOOK!),
  • pays all our bills ON TIME (I am so thankful he took it over, and did our tax audit from last years- adoption receipts numbered and on a itemized list over 100 pages! So there IRS!!!!!!)
  • doesnt procrastinate- faces a challenge head on
  • loves to exercise and work up a sweat
  • Puts his laundry in the drawer
this is just a very small list mind you?!

He loves that I am so sensitive, creative, cook from scratch, at least do the laundry and fold it so everyone can put their own things away- while mine stay stacked on top of our dresser. After 25 years he is still begging me to "just move in honey". giggle.

We started dating on Mothers day 1986.
Our son is getting married Mothers Day weekend.
and in September we will celebrate 25 years of marriage..
Thankful Monday.
(Off to complete my weeks worth of Beth Moore study homework in one day-sigh)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've got a good man there :) Looks like someone has a great Daddy too!!

    Blessings, Jennifer


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