Wednesday, October 13, 2010


These are all pictures from day one in Ecuador.

Refelecting on what was......
now seeing what is.
the dreams of yesterday....
I believe that we each have a "calling", talents and ablities.
Each one of us.....
knit together in our mothers womb for a unique purpose.
Today I praise God for the fulfillment of the dreams that we had.....

even in the waiting
God was there.....
Looking forward
The hopes for tomorrow......

I remain,
Under His wings,

"Happy is he who makes daily progress and who considers not what he did yesterday but what advance he can make today." -Jerome (taken from Soul Retreats for Moms)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for checking in on my blog and leaving comments the past few weeks. My inbox stays filled links to intriguing blogs I want to visit and I finally, finally got a chance to stop by and take a peek around your blogs. What an incredibly sweet little girl you have. 5 years old?? I love the thought of adopting one who is 5...and quite accidently, 2 this age are coming our way soon. I love these photos you posted on this post...esp. the one of her being hugged. I had tears looking at it. It's nice to "meet" someone who has adopted from a place not quite the "norm". So, you are a bit ahead of us in figuring out the differences/sameness about raising a child with DS?? I feel like the day will come soon our world will change; yet maybe it really won't (well, no more then adding 2 more would anyway!). I wonder every day how it will be. Prayers for continued special times with your sweet girl and I look forward to checking in here and there to see how she is doing. God bless, Jennifer


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